Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Clinical Assignment Methodical Process of Indicating Case Study

Questions: Part A Clinical Assignment: Needs Assessment Tool and Procedure Develop a tool and procedure to collect the data you need for your needs assessment (reporting near misses) The tool must be appropriate to elicit the data points you determined. The procedure must take a reasonable amount of time for the participants to complete. Participants' responses must be anonymous. Specify the data collection procedure in a step-by-step overview. Provide rationale for the data collection tool and procedure. Discuss the data collection procedure in a step-by-step overview with your mentor. Meet with your mentor to discuss specific information you will need from your target audience to develop your practicum project Develop a list of both the demographic and content knowledge you want to obtain in your needs assessment Discuss how you will collect data from your target audience and how you will analyze that data. Discuss barriers to data collection at practicum site agency. Part B Clinical Assignment: Data Analysis Research various data analysis methods. Discuss various data analysis methods with your mentor. Indicate how you plan to analyze and present findings from your needs assessment survey. Create a chart that includes at least three data analysis methods with: An explanation of each method When it should be used How each method can be used with your needs assessment. Answer: A needs assessment is the methodical process of indicating and addressing the gaps present between the anticipated conditions and the present scenario in the context of a health care topic (Ferdinand et al., 2013). The main aim of needs assessment is to identify the inconsistency between the current condition and the desirable situation for understanding the changes needed for bringing positive outcomes in health care system (Pennel et al., 2015). As opined by Haw et al., (2014) a health needs assessment would be undertaken on the topic of errors or near misses in a healthcare facility to nursing professionals. Even though in many cases no major harm is caused to the patients, making an error may seriously affect the clinical confidence of nurses. According to Gaffney et al., (2016) medication administration errors and near misses are common in health settings. Nurses must avoid all errors and near misses so that better patient outcomes can be achieved The present writing is on the t ool and procedure required for conducting the concerned needs assessment. The rationale for the data collection tool and data collection procedure are mentioned. Lastly, a chart of the possible data analysis methods is presented. Part A Data collection tool In order to conduct needs assessment the data collection tool that can be used is by conducting surveys that will take into consideration the viewpoint of the participants involved in the given survey. The major purpose of conducting the survey is to gather anonymous information from a group of individuals attending a particular event. Wriiten sureveys serves as a useful tool for the needs assessment that helps in acquiring a particular goal. Thus, the major purpose of carrying out the surevy is to collect responses in a cost effective method from a large group of individuals without revealing the identity of the participants. According to (), the data obtained from different surveys are very easy to summarize and the results obtained are beter evlauted though the applictaion of statistical analysis. The method of survey also allows a dergree of anonymity for the respondents that helps in getting a more candid response that plays a significant role in extracting information in a stru ctured manner. Rationale: The decision to conduct survey provides a strong rationale that produces a range of advantages that are required in association with the needs assessment. Surveys are very easy to develop specially by taking inro reference of the availability of the advanced survey software that are availale in recent days. Surveys also plays a crucial role in case if the participants are hard to reach (Papaniclas et al., 2013). In such cases the resracher can use an online survey, mobile survey, paper survey or combination of the all the mode of methods depending upon the kind of study an dthe demographics of the participants involved. Moreover survey helps in collecting data from a large group of participants and the method of surveys are generally free from several types of error. According to Pabinger et al (2014), surveys provides extensive flexibility in data analysis and thus provides a range of perspective regarding he near misses and errors. Data collection procedure The data collection process thereby need to ensure that the first step would be to obtain the information regarding the surveys that has been conducted on the group of people. Some of the aspects of the survey will threby include: A specific outreach fro identifying and attracting a specific group of target population Proper screening that il help in determining whether an applicatnt belongs to a specific target group Comprehensive needs assessment through implementation of the surveys that will help in dterenmining the individual problems, service needs and use of structured assessment. Monitoring of the sevices to ensure that the care plan are modified as per the necessaryof the participants involve din the surveys. Apart from understanding of the basic foundation that is required to understand the preliminary thing is to understand the objective of the survey.Thus, taking into consideration the understanding of the given factors the next step is thus to identify the general objectives that will help in implementing effective decision . On eof the important choice lie sbetween the average values or total values (Cameron Trivedi, 2013). Depending on the choice, techniques used for optimal sample size and factors nees to be identified. Secondly, in order to conduct the survey it is alos vey much important to identify the population that needs to be sampled. Thirdly, the data needs to be collected based on the the above datas and doing a final analysis an dsummary of the data thus obtained. Rationale : Before conducting the survey, the topics needs to be strictly enlisted in a way that the survey effectively covers all the questions that wil be included and cover the viewpoint an dunderstanding of the participants involved. This would ensure that all relevant points are covered and no significant points are missed out The survey needs to be specifically absed on different settings, as this would give a wide range of information (Miles et al., 2013). The objective of the understanding thereby includes implementation of a number of measuresthat ahs been used in the given surveythat also specifically includes understanding of the sample size and other estimated factors. Name of the method Description of the method When the method should be used How can the method be used with the needs assessment Cross sectional Survey This helps in collecting information from respondents ta single period of time . It includes the sue of questtionaries that specifically deals with one single topic (Miles et al., 2013) This method is specifically used for collecting information from a single respondents It particularly helps in providing snapshot regarding the frequency of the disease and other related characteristics in agiven population at a single time. Longitudinal Surveys This particulary helps in gathering information over a period of time from one point to another. It helps in examining the changes that is gathered over a long period of time (Pabinger et al., 2014). This method plays an important role for making cohort studies, panel studies and trend studies. This particularly helps in analysisng data over along range of time that specifically used fro assessing the determinants of the behaviour. Focus group discussions This particulary helps in allowing the researchers to explore how a group thinks about an issue, the range of opinions and ideas, and the inconsistencies and variations that exist in a particular community and their experiences and practices. This method is used when there is a need to provide participants with a space to discuss a particular topic. This particularly helps in analysisng data in a context where people are allowed to agree or disagree with each other. References Cameron, A. C., Trivedi, P. K. (2013).Regression analysis of count data(Vol. 53). Cambridge university press. Chaawla, D., Sondhi, N. (2012). Research methodology concepts and cases.International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences,2(6), 403-405. Corbin, J., Strauss, A. (2014).Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. Sage publications. Ferdinand, L., Fudrow, J., Calhoun, K. S., Wisniewski, J. (2013). An Introduction to Research Methods: Needs Assessment, Surveys, Focus Groups and Personas. Flick, U. (2015).Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. Sage. Gaffney, T. A., Hatcher, B. J., Milligan, R. (2016). Nurses' role in medical error recovery: an integrative review.Journal of clinical nursing. Haw, C., Stubbs, J., Dickens, G. L. (2014). Barriers to the reporting of medication administration errors and near misses: an interview study of nurses at a psychiatric hospital.Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing,21(9), 797-805. Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., Saldana, J. (2013).Qualitative data analysis: A methods sourcebook. SAGE Publications, Incorporated. Pabinger, S., Dander, A., Fischer, M., Snajder, R., Sperk, M., Efremova, M., ... Trajanoski, Z. (2014). A survey of tools for variant analysis of next-generation genome sequencing data.Briefings in bioinformatics,15(2), 256-278. Panneerselvam, R. (2014).Research methodology. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.. Papanicolas, I., Cylus, J., Smith, P. C. (2013). An analysis of survey data from eleven countries finds that satisfactionwith health system performance means many things.Health Affairs,32(4), 734-742. Pennel, C. L., McLeroy, K. R., Burdine, J. N., Matarrita-Cascante, D. (2015). Nonprofit hospitals approach to community health needs assessment.American journal of public health,105(3), e103-e113.

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